
Neck MRI

Radiology & Diagnostic Imaging located in Montclair Village Plaza, Montclair, CA
Neck MRI

Neck MRI services located in Montclair Village Plaza, Montclair, CA

Consider a neck MRI if you have severe neck, shoulder, or arm pain that doesn’t improve with at-home treatments. At Montclair Open MRI in Montclair, California, the team of board-certified radiologists regularly performs neck MRIs using an open MRI machine. Call Montclair Open MRI today to schedule a neck MRI or book your appointment online.

Neck MRI Q & A

My neck is sore. Should I schedule a neck MRI?

Everyone experiences a sore or stiff neck occasionally, but if your symptoms continue for more than a week or affect your normal routine, it’s essential to seek treatment. 

Montclair Open MRI offers neck MRIs using an open MRI machine. Open MRIs don’t have an enclosed capsule, allowing for a more comfortable and less claustrophobic experience.

What is a neck MRI?

A neck MRI is a diagnostic procedure that uses radio waves, magnets, and a computer to capture detailed, cross-sectional photos of the structures in your cervical spine (neck).

Your neck has seven vertebrae, six intervertebral discs, and dozens of muscles, tendons, and ligaments. A neck MRI can diagnose illnesses or injuries and determine the best treatment type. 

What types of musculoskeletal problems can a neck MRI diagnose?

Montclair Open MRI uses neck MRIs to diagnose various musculoskeletal problems, including:

  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Vertebral fractures
  • Bulging or herniated cervical discs
  • Tumors
  • Arthritis

You might benefit from a neck MRI if you suffer a sports or personal injury.

How do I prepare for a neck MRI?

Little to no preparation is needed for a neck MRI. Let your Montclair Open MRI provider know if you have any metal implants or medical devices, including the following:

  • Inner ear (cochlear) implants
  • Brain aneurysm clips
  • Pacemaker
  • Vascular stents

Because the open MRI machine uses magnets, it’s crucial to remove your jewelry and any other metal accessories that might interfere with the images. 

If you have anxiety or claustrophobia, your provider can let one friend or family member sit by you in the MRI room to comfort you. In addition, they can advise you to take relaxing medications, prescribed by your physician before starting your MRI scan. 

What happens during a neck MRI?

At Montclair Open MRI a neck MRI takes 30-60 minutes.

When you arrive at the office, you change into a gown and lie on a moveable exam table. Your provider gives you a pillow and blanket and asks you to move your head into a very specific position. 

Then, they slide the exam table into the open MRI machine. The open MRI machine has powerful magnets on the top and bottom but completely open sides that bring no harm to you. The magnets make loud clanking noises during the procedure, so your provider gives you headphones or earplugs.

After positioning the magnets and your neck, your Montclair Open MRI provider leaves the room and uses a computer to take a series of MRI scans. It’s important to lie very still during the scans. Any movement can affect image clarity.

Call Montclair Open MRI today to schedule a neck MRI or book your appointment online.