

Radiology & Diagnostic Imaging located in Montclair Village Plaza, Montclair, CA

MRI services located in Montclair Village Plaza, Montclair, CA

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a diagnostic procedure that provides important insights into your health. At Montclair Open MRI in Montclair, California, the team of board-certified radiologists offers MRI imaging to people four and older. MRI scans are safe and effective and can help guide your treatment. Call Montclair Open MRI today to schedule an MRI appointment or book your visit online.


What is an MRI?

An MRI is a type of diagnostic imaging. It uses radio waves, magnets, and a computer to capture detailed cross-sectional photos of your internal organs and/or soft tissues. 

Traditional MRI involves lying in an enclosed metal tube. Montclair Open MRI offers open magnetic resonance imaging. Open MRI machines have a table instead of an enclosed tube. The unique design allows for a more comfortable and less claustrophobic experience.

What types of medical issues can MRIs diagnose?

Montclair Open MRI uses MRI scans to diagnose various medical issues, including the following:

  • Tumors, cysts, and other anomalies
  • Sports injuries
  • Personal injuries
  • Back pain
  • Neck pain
  • Joint pain

MRI is a great compliment to treatment plans and getting you back to feeling your best. 

How do I prepare for an MRI?

Before undergoing an MRI, you change into a hospital gown. The machine uses magnets to capture photos, so it’s crucial you remove any jewelry or other metal objects that might interfere with it.

Let your Montclair Open MRI technician know if you are nervous or anxious. The practice uses an open MRI machine to ensure patient comfort. 

What happens during an MRI?

An open MRI takes 30-60 minutes on average.

You lie down on a moveable exam table at the beginning of treatment. Your Montclair Open MRI technician helps position your body and places several electronic devices above and below your body. 

Once you’re in position, your MRI technician leaves the room and uses a computer to take the scans. During this time, it’s essential to lie very still. Movement of any kind can affect the clarity of the images and, in turn, your diagnosis.

The open MRI machine makes a loud clanging noise. Your provider can give you headphones or earplugs to make the scans more comfortable.

When will my healthcare provider get the results of my MRI?

MRI results develop instantly, and you receive a disc of your images. However, the radiologists must prepare a written report within 24 to 48 hours for you and your health care provider. 

If your Montclair Open MRI provider identifies an injury or medical condition, they send your scans to your doctor. Your doctor then uses your test results to develop a personalized treatment plan.

Call Montclair Open MRI today to schedule an MRI consultation, or book your appointment online.