
MRI Claustrophobia

Radiology & Diagnostic Imaging located in Montclair Village Plaza, Montclair, CA
MRI Claustrophobia

MRI Claustrophobia services located in Montclair Village Plaza, Montclair, CA

If you have claustrophobia (fear of being in an enclosed space), undergoing an MRI can be scary. But it’s nothing to fear. At Montclair Open MRI in Montclair, California, the team of board-certified radiologists offers MRIs using an open MRI machine. Open MRI machines don’t have walls, allowing for a more comfortable and less claustrophobic treatment experience. Call Montclair Open MRI today to schedule an open MRI consultation or book your appointment online.

MRI Claustrophobia Q & A

What is claustrophobia?

Claustrophobia is the intense fear of being stuck in a small or enclosed space.

If you have claustrophobia and find yourself feeling trapped or confined, you might experience the following symptoms:

  • Sweating
  • Trembling
  • Hot flashes or chills
  • A choking sensation
  • Rapid heartbeat
  • Difficulty breathing

Some people with claustrophobia can experience gastrointestinal symptoms, like nausea and diarrhea.

How does open MRI help combat claustrophobia?

Traditional, or closed, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) uses radio waves, magnets, and a computer to capture high-quality cross-sectional photos of your internal organs and/or soft tissues.

During a closed MRI, you lie on a moving table that slides into an enclosed capsule. Once inside the capsule, you lie still for 30-60 minutes while the machine takes a series of photos.

Many people with claustrophobia avoid closed MRI because of the confined space.

Montclair Open MRI is one of the only radiology facilities in the Inland Empire to offer open MRI scans. 

An open MRI machine uses the same technology as a closed MRI. The difference is there’s no enclosed capsule. 

During an open MRI, You lie on a moving table that slides into a space with a magnetic bottom and top. The sides are completely open, reducing the risk of panic attacks and anxiety. Once in position, you lie very still while the machine takes a series of photos. 

What if I have severe claustrophobia?

If you have severe claustrophobia, the thought of lying on an exam table for any period of time might seem overwhelming. To help patients relax, Montclair Open MRI allows a relative to sit by you in the MRI room to comfort you. Your MRI technician can also advise you to contact your physician to prescribe a relaxing medication to help your situation.

Some patients benefit from sedative medications during their exam. If you feel this could benefit you, speak with your healthcare provider to determine the medication best for you, and relay that medication to your Montclair Open MRI provider.  

If you have claustrophobia, call Montclair Open MRI today to schedule an open MRI consultation, or book your appointment online.